People mingling, people chatting, enjoying the buffet or just hanging by the bar… it’s an event!
A different moment out of our work filled, tight scheduled, daily lives. A special moment for some, a painful experience for others, but maybe… a surprise for all!
Among the guests you can see the office workers, living most of their grown-up lives in front of the computer. Usually you can find them stressing to their next appointment, briefcase in hand. It’s quite a common picture in the modern life. With Office Stories, React will turn that picture upside down, its mingling time!
Office Stories is a performance designed for a mingling, an event, a dinner or a foyer, where we play with the context of such a social occasion and the pictures you might, or might not, see there. By using and mixing the common and expected elements of the specific situation, we investigate how we can create uncommon and extraordinary situations and reactions.
What if we bring a work attitude into an out of work environment? What if we fall in love with the food buffet or if everyone in the room is a secret agent in disguise?
From a humorous point of view, creating clear pictures through the use of dance, acrobatics, physical exploration and improvisation, we play with the picture of the office worker, posing questions such as:
Who is really in control of your free time, you or your laptop?
How much can you relax when surrounded by your colleagues? What would you go through to get the last canapé?
The office workers. You will still see them during rush hour, waiting for the train. You will see them having their beloved coffee, or a snack in between appointments. You will see them rushing over the square, looking nervously at their watches, but you might also see them in their “smart casual” dress code mingling and telling stories…