Going home during rush hour. People sitting, people standing, clumped all together in a space where everybody is on their own.
No one chose to be here. This “here” only exists for a “there”. This “there” is where all are going.
The subway takes you where you want to go, but you need to free your mind from it – not seeing, not looking, not listening. You are not supposed to enter into an experience when entering the wagon.
What if the doors of the subway would be stage wings? Can you find love in a wagon? Is it okay to share candy with your neighbor?
“On my way home…” is a performance where we play with the expected social rules of public transportation. We are interested in challenging the existing do’s and dont’s of the subway. React will turn this awkward place into a sweet, magical dream… what happens when you break the unspoken rules and start using the space differently?
Using dance, movement, and interactions, we play with the picture of the strange
passenger and what public transportation has to offer to it’s costumers. On the way, we raise questions such as: What are the limits of my personal space? What do I do with my commuting time? What social relations can I have in an everyday modern metropolis?
Starting as a strange group of passengers that bends the rules by sitting upside down, changing seats, or entangling our arms to maintain a precarious balance, we will then change the mood of the whole space, surprising the audience by becoming the caretakers of a very special and inviting wagon.
Welcome aboard. Sit down. Relax, and enjoy the ride! On your way home...